DEtools[convertsys] - convert a system of differential equations to a first-order system
Calling Sequence
convertsys(deqns, inits, vars, ivar, yvec, ypvec)
ordinary differential equation, or set or list of equations; can be specified as expressions, which are assumed equal to zero
set or list of initial conditions
function or list or set of functions; dependent variables of the system
independent variable
(optional) name to be used for the solution vector in the first-order system
(optional) name to be used for the yvec' vector in the first-order system
DEtools[convertsys] converts a system of one or more ordinary differential equations to a system of first-order differential equations. Corresponding initial conditions (if specified) are also converted.
The initial conditions inits must each be of the form function = expression. See examples below. Note: if no initial conditions are available, inits must still be specified as {} or [].
The convertsys command returns a list where
* is the list of equations defining the names in terms of the original functions.
* is the point at which the initial conditions are specified. It is returned as undefined if inits is the empty set.
This function is part of the DEtools package, and so it can be used in the form convertsys(..) only after executing the command with(DEtools). However, it can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using DEtools[convertsys](..).
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