simplex[maximize] - maximize a linear program
Calling Sequence
maximize(f, C)
maximize(f, C, vartype)
maximize(f, C, vartype, 'NewC', 'transform')
linear expression
set or list of linear constraints
(optional) name
(optional) name
The expression f is the linear objective function to be maximized subject to the linear constraints C. The function maximize returns either a set of equations describing the optimal solution to the specified linear program, or the empty set in the case where no feasible solution to C exists, or NULL in the case where the solution is unbounded.
The equations returned by maximize can be substituted back into the objective function f to obtain the value of the objective function at the optimal solution.
A third parameter may be used to specify that all variables are constrained to be NONNEGATIVE; such constraints may also be listed explicitly. Similarly, UNRESTRICTED indicates that no sign constraint is to be placed on the variables.
A fourth and a fifth parameter may be included to specify names for returning the optimal description, and any variable transformations used to set up the problem.
The Optimization[LPSolve] command also computes solutions to linear programs. It is generally more efficient than the simplex[minimize] command, but performs all its computations using floating-point values.
The command with(simplex,maximize) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.