Cache[TemporaryIndices] - return a sequence of the temporary indices
Calling Sequence
TemporaryIndices( cache )
cache table or procedure: the object whose entries are to be returned
The TemporaryIndices command returns the temporary indices of the given cache table. The cache table can be given directly as cache, or cache can refer to a procedure that has, or can have, a cache remember table. If such a procedure is given and it has a cache remember table, the temporary indices from that table are returned. If the procedure does not have a remember table, NULL is returned.
TemporaryIndices returns the indices in same format as indices, that is, a sequence of lists where the contents of each list is the key of a temporary entry from the table.
The TemporaryEntries command can be used to get the values of the temporary entries.
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p := proc( x ) option cache; x^2; end proc;
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