FunctionAdvisor/identities - return the identities of a given mathematical function
Calling Sequence
FunctionAdvisor(identities, math_function)
literal name; 'identities'
Maple name of mathematical function
The FunctionAdvisor(identities, math_function) command returns a list of identities for that function.
![[sin(z) = -sin(-z), sin(z) = 2*sin((1/2)*z)*cos((1/2)*z), sin(z) = 1/csc(z), sin(z) = 2*tan((1/2)*z)/(1+tan((1/2)*z)^2), sin(z) = -((1/2)*I)*(exp(I*z)-exp(-I*z)), sin(z)^2 = 1-cos(z)^2, sin(z)^2 = 1/2-(1/2)*cos(2*z)]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7480/file01730/math58.png)
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![[coth(z) = -coth(-z), coth(z) = -(1/2)*(-coth((1/2)*z)^2-1)/coth((1/2)*z), coth(z) = cosh(z)/sinh(z), coth(z) = (1+cosh(2*z))/sinh(2*z), coth(z) = -sinh(2*z)/(1-cosh(2*z)), coth(z) = 1/tanh(z), coth(z) = (1/2)*(1+tanh((1/2)*z)^2)/tanh((1/2)*z), coth(z) = I*(-((1/2)*I)*coth((1/2)*z)-((1/2)*I)*tanh((1/2)*z)), coth(z) = -(exp(-z)+exp(z))/(exp(-z)-exp(z)), coth(z) = I*(-I*csch(2*z)-I*coth(2*z))]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7480/file01730/math79.png)
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![[BesselI(a, z) = -2*(a-1)*BesselI(a-1, z)/z+BesselI(a-2, z), BesselI(a, z) = 2*(a+1)*BesselI(a+1, z)/z+BesselI(a+2, z)]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7480/file01730/math86.png)
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The variables used by the FunctionAdvisor command to create the function calling sequences are local variables. Therefore, the previous example does not depend on a or z.
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To make the FunctionAdvisor command return results using global variables, pass the function call itself when requesting the function identities.
![[Ei(1, z) = -Ei(-z)+(1/2)*ln(-z)-(1/2)*ln(-1/z)-ln(z), [Ei(-a, z) = factorial(a)*exp(-z)*(Sum(z^(k-a-1)/factorial(k), k = 0 .. a)), And(a::nonnegint)], Ei(a, z) = (z*Ei(-2+a, z)+(-2+a-z)*Ei(-1+a, z))/(-1+a), Ei(a, z) = ((-a+z)*Ei(1+a, z)+(1+a)*Ei(2+a, z))/z]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7480/file01730/math117.png)
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