Numeric - Java representation of a numeric object
The com.maplesoft.openmaple.Numeric class represents a Maple numeric object (a float or an integer). As Numeric publicly inherits from Algebraic, it provides all of the member functions from the Algebraic class as well as those listed here.
Method Summary
boolean isByte()
isByte returns true if the value represented by this Numeric is an integer within the range of a Java byte.
boolean isShort()
isShort returns true if the value represented by this Numeric is an integer within the range of a Java short.
boolean isInt()
isInt returns true if the value represented by this Numeric is an integer within the range of a Java int.
boolean isLong()
isLong returns true if the value represented by this Numeric is an integer within the range of a Java long.
boolean isInteger()
isInteger returns true if the value represented by this Numeric is an integer.
boolean isUnnamedZero()
isUnnamedZero returns true if the value represented by this Numeric is zero.
float floatValue()
floatValue converts the value represented by the Numeric to a float.
double doubleValue()
doubleValue returns the value represented in the Numeric as a Java double.
byte byteValue()
byteValue returns the value represented by the Numeric as a Java byte.
short shortValue()
shortValue returns the value represented by the Numeric as a Java short.
int intValue()
intValue returns the value represented by the Numeric as a Java int.
long longValue()
longValue returns the value represented by the Numeric as a Java long.