The Yahtzee scorecard consists of two sections: the upper section and the lower section.
f you choose to score your roll in the upper section of the scorecard, your score is recorded as the sum of all dice in the score category chosen. For instance, a roll of 3-1-3-5-3 scored in the Threes category would result in a total of 3+3+3=9 points.
A Bonus score of 35 points is added if a player scores more than 63 points in the upper section.
The lower section is vastly different to the upper section in that it contains a number of poker-themed combinations. These are: 3 of a Kind, 4 of a Kind, Full House, Small Straight, Large Straight, Yahtzee, and Chance. The table below provides more information on each combination on the score allotted.
For instance, a roll of 6-6-1-6-1 scored in the Full House category would result in a score of 25 points.
A player who throws a Yahtzee will be awarded 50 points. Subsequent Yahtzee rolls will result in a Yahtzee Bonus point. Yahtzee Bonus points are worth 100 points each. A player can use his/her additional Yahtzee as a wild card in the Lower Section provided that the corresponding Upper Section box has been filled. For example, a roll of 6-6-6-6-6 (a Yahtzee of Sixes) could only be used as a wild card in the Lower Section if the Sixes category has already been scored.