Finance[CleanPrice] - calculate the clean price of a bond
Calling Sequence
CleanPrice(bond, yield, compounding, opts)
fixed or floating rate bond data structure; bond
non-negative constant; desired yield
Simple, Continuous, Compounded, or SimpleThenCompounded; the underlying compounding type
equations of the form option = value where option is evaluationdate; specify options for the CleanPrice command
The CleanPrice command computes the clean price of a bond, given its yield. Clean price does not include any accrued interest that has accumulated since the last coupon payment.
evaluationdate = a string containing a date specification in a format recognized by ParseDate or a date data structure -- This option specifies the evaluation date. By default this is set to the global evaluation date (see EvaluationDate).
The Finance[CleanPrice] command was introduced in Maple 15.
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![Settings([daycounter = Historical, settlementdays = 0, businessdayconvention = Unadjusted, compounding = Continuous])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8826/file01598/math151.png)
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Consider a zero-coupon bond with a face value of 100 maturing in one year.
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Consider a 3-year bond with a face value of 100 that pays a fixed coupon of 3 percent issued on March 15, 2005.
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Calculate the bond's clean price given its yield and vice-versa.
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Consider the same bond but with semi-annual coupons.
Calculate the bond's clean price given its yield and vice-versa.
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Note that since the bond has semi-annual coupons, the Compounded yield is based on semi-annual compounding.
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![cashflows3 := [`1.500000000 on 'March 17, 2007'`, `1.500000000 on 'September 17, 2007'`, `1.500000000 on 'March 17, 2008'`, `100. on 'March 17, 2008'`]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8826/file01598/math343.png)
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See Also
Finance[AccruedInterest], Finance[DayCounter], Finance[DirtyPrice], Finance[EvaluationDate], Finance[FixedCouponBond], Finance[FloatingRateBond], Finance[FormatDate], Finance[ParseDate], Finance[Settings], Finance[YearFraction], Finance[YieldFromCleanPrice], Finance[YieldFromDirtyPrice], Finance[ZeroCouponBond]