InstallerBuilder Panels
This help page describes the built-in panels in installers generated by the InstallerBuilder.
The panels are presented in order of appearance in the installer. If a panel is disabled (either by default or by setting its 'active' option to false), then the installer proceeds to the next active panel.
General Panels
This panel is a simple welcome window, which can contain an image or text. By default, it is active.
This panel requests that the user enter a code that is validated before installation continues. To validate the user code, you must specify a validate option (see InstallerBuilder Options).
In the validator procedure, you can access the user's input with the command ToolboxInstaller:-Data:-Get("validation_attempt"). For more information, see ToolboxInstaller:-Data.
By default, this panel is disabled.
This panel requests that the user accept a license agreement before continuing with installation. By default, it is disabled.
This panel asks the user whether to install the network or single-user version of the toolbox. Note: The network toolbox installation can be installed only with the network version of Maple.
You can access the user's selection afterwards using ToolboxInstaller:-Data:-Get("network_installation"). For more information, see ToolboxInstaller:-Data.
By default, this panel is disabled and the single-user version is installed.
This panel asks the user to specify one of two locations on disk in which to install the toolbox: a local installation or a system installation.
A local installation corresponds to the directory maple/toolbox in the user's home directory, while a system installation corresponds to the directory toolbox in the Maple directory.
You can access the user's selection afterwards using ToolboxInstaller:-Data:-Get("system_installation"). For more information, see ToolboxInstaller:-Data.
By default, this panel is disabled and a local installation is performed.
This panel reports on the actual installation of the toolbox. It displays a summary of the files extracted and installed, and a status message indicating the success of the installation. By default, it is active.
This panel is a simple concluding window, which may contain an image or text. This is frequently used to indicate a successful installation and advise users on the use of the installed toolbox. By default, it is active.
Build a toolbox installer that installs only after the secret code "My Secret Code" has been entered by the user.
Build( "SampleToolbox",
'uninstaller' = false,
'author' = "Some Maple User",
'welcome' = ['text' = "Welcome to the SampleToolbox installer"],
'validation' = [
'text' = "Enter the code below:",
'validate' = proc()
local code;
code := ToolboxInstaller:-Data:-Get("validation_attempt");
if code = "My Secret Code" then
end if;
end proc