Maplets[Elements][GridCell2] - specify an entry in a border layout
Calling Sequence
equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of constraint, or value; specify options for the GridCell2 element
The GridCell2 layout element specifies an entry in a border layout.
A GridCell2 element can contain BoxLayout, GridLayout, or window body elements to specify the value option.
A GridCell2 element can only be contained in a BorderLayout element.
The following table describes the control and use of the GridCell2 element options.
An x in the I column indicates that the option can be initialized, that is, specified in the calling sequence (element definition).
An x in the R column indicates that the option is required in the calling sequence.
An x in the G column indicates that the option can be read, that is, retrieved by using the Get tool.
An x in the S column indicates that the option can be written, that is, set by using the SetOption element or the Set tool.
The opts argument can contain one or more of the following equations that set Maplet application options.
constraint = west, east, north, south, or center
Specifies the location of the cell in the border layout. The constraint must be unique to the border layout, and if not specified, it defaults to center.
value = window body, BoxLayout, or GridLayout element, or reference to such an element (name or string)
The Maplet application element that appears in the grid cell.
See Also
Maplets/LayoutElements, Maplets/WindowBodyElements, Maplets[Display], Maplets[Elements], Maplets[Elements][BorderLayout], Maplets[Elements][BoxLayout], Maplets[Elements][GridLayout], Maplets[Elements][Maplet], Maplets[Elements][SetOption], Maplets[Tools][Get], Maplets[Tools][Set], Overview of Maplet Applications