Overview of the Student[MultivariateCalculus] Subpackage
Calling Sequence
The Student[MultivariateCalculus] subpackage is designed to help teachers present and students understand the basic material of a standard course in multivariate calculus. There are two principal components to the subpackage: interactive and visualization. These components are described in the following sections.
Each command in the Student[MultivariateCalculus] subpackage can be accessed by using either the long form or the short form of the command name in the command calling sequence.
As the underlying implementation of the Student[MultivariateCalculus] subpackage is a module, it is also possible to use the form Student[MultivariateCalculus]:-command or Student:-MultivariateCalculus:-command to access a command. For more information, see Module Members.
The Maple Command Completion facility is helpful for entering the names of Student package commands.
The visualization routines are designed to assist in the understanding of basic multivariate calculus concepts, theorems, and computations. These routines normally produce a Maple plot and most can optionally return one or more symbolic representations of the studied quantity.
You have considerable control over the presentation of plots produced by the visualization routines. The display of each object included in the plot can be adjusted by using a corresponding option in the calling sequence. For details, see the individual command help pages.
The visualization commands are:
The interactive routines use Maple's Maplet technology to assist you to work through the standard problems of multivariate calculus in a visually directed manner. These commands display one or more dialog boxes allowing you to plot a function and change the various plot options.
The interactive commands are:
The computation routines provide tools that perform statndard multivariate calculus operations.
The computation commands are:
Getting Help with a Command in the Package