<Package Command Template>
<For more information on using this template, refer to the ?Templates/PackageCommand help page. Delete this text and the title.>
<Package_Name>[<Command_Name>] - <one line description of the command >
Calling Sequence
<Command_Name>(<param1>, <param2>)
param1 - <data type>; <parameter description>
param2 - (optional) <data type>; <parameter description>
opts - (optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of <opt1>, <opt2>, <opt3>, or <opt4>; specify options for the <Command_Name> command
The <Command_Name> command ...
The <Command_Name>(<param1>, <param2>) calling sequence ...
indented paragraphs (list items),
and nonindented paragraphs within the help page.>
The opts argument can contain one or more of the following equations.
<opt2> = <value> or <value>
This command is part of the <Package_Name> package, so it can be used in the form <Command_Name>(..) only after executing the command with(<Package_Name>). However, it can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using <Package_Name>[<Command_Name>](..).
<Add examples that demonstrate functionality and the types of problems you can solve. Add comments to the examples.>