Interactive Maple Debugger
The interactive Maple Debugger can be invoked with the stopat, stopwhen, and stoperror commands, or by clicking the debug icon during a running computation.
Debug icon with small toolbar icons visible:
Debug icon with large toolbar icons visible:
The Debugger is implemented as a Maple function, which is invoked automatically by Maple when a breakpoint or watchpoint is encountered, or when the DEBUG function is executed.
If the interactive Maple Debugger was invoked by a breakpoint (as set by stopat), the displayed expression is the result of the last statement executed.
If it was invoked by a watchpoint on a variable (as set by stopwhen), the expression is an equality, the left-hand side of which is the name of the variable that was being watched, and the right-hand side of which shows the value that was assigned to the variable.
If it was invoked by a watchpoint on an error message (as set by stoperror), the expression is the error message.
Interactive Debugger Window
The interactive Maple Debugger window contains the following.
A main text box that displays a procedure name and the Debugger output.
A text box for entering commands and an associated Execute button.
Buttons that perform common debugging functions.
Button Descriptions
The buttons at the bottom of the Debugger window perform common debugging functions. Most have an associated command.
Step - Step into next statement.
Next - Step into next statement on same nesting level.
In To - Step into next statement sequence.
Out From - Step out from statement sequence.
Continue - Continue execution until the next breakpoint or watchpoint.
Showstat - Display procedure.
Help - View the ?debugger help page.
Clear - Delete the contents of the top text box.
Return - Return from procedure.
Quit - Close the Debugger window.
Copy - Copy debug contents to worksheet.
Other Debugger Commands
For information on other Debugger commands, see Commands. These commands can be entered in the text box next to the Execute button.