Change Color
Change the color of an individual curve or surface.
For standard plots, you can use the color option in the plot command.
Changing the Color of a 2-D Plot
Click an individual curve in the plot region. The curve becomes highlighted.
From the Plot menu, select Color. Alternatively, right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) the curve to activate the context-sensitive menu, and select Color.
The curve is displayed with the selected color.
Changing the Plot Default Color
Click the plot region.
From the Plot menu, select Color. Alternatively, right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) the curve to activate the context-sensitive menu, and select Color.
The default color of the plot is changed to the new color selected. This will change the color of any curve or surface that does not have a color specified as an option in the plot command, but it will have no effect on any curves or surface in which a color is specified.
Changing the Color of a 3-D Plot
Click the plot to select it.
From the Plot menu, select Color. Alternatively, right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) the curve to activate the context-sensitive menu.
The surface is displayed with the selected color.