Preserve Knowledge
The Challenge: You don't just need the final model, you need the assumptions behind the model. A lot of thinking goes into any engineering design, such as the reasoning behind certain decisions, and the assumptions the design is based on. Sometimes this knowledge is stored in a binder, sometimes it exists only in the engineer's brain. When the binder is misplaced or the engineer leaves the project, the person who takes over is left with a model, and no idea why it was built the way it was. Without that information, making changes to the model is difficult. What's worse, it's risky, since the changes could invalidate one of the underlying assumptions without anyone realizing it, and so produce a flawed design or incorrect results.
The MapleSim Solution: The knowledge embedded in your MapleSim components and models is always accessible and comprehensible to other engineers, whether it's needed next week or next year.
- All component definitions and model equations are accessible, for both built-in and custom created elements.
- When it is necessary to view a component's underlying code, intelligent tools help give you a complete view of the elements that define the component.
- Analyses, optimization investigations, and custom component definitions can include explanations, images, data files, and mathematical derivations. As a result, the thinking behind the component or model is always available, not just the final parameter value or plot.
- Models, simulation results, analysis, reports, custom component descriptions, animations, data files, and more are all kept in a single project file so the reasoning cannot become separated from the model.