The Internal Profiler
Calling Sequence
showprofile([procedure, procedure, ...], [sortflag])
any valid maple procedure that has already been profiled with profile.
The procedure showprofile displays the runtime information collected for the specified procedures in a tabular format.
If no procedures are specified, all profiled procedures are displayed.
The optional sortflag parameter specifies how entries are sorted in the table. Sort can consist of one of the following:
alpha - sort in alphabetical order by function name
ralpha - sort in reverse alphabetical order by function name
time - sort by increasing amount of CPU time used
rtime - sort by decreasing amount of CPU time used
bytes - sort by increasing amount of storage used
rbytes - sort by decreasing amount of storage used
load - sort by increasing amount of bytes^2*time
rload - sort by decreasing amount of bytes^2*time
If no sortflag is specified, then the default (rload) is used.
If showprofile is successful, it returns NULL on exit.
fib:=proc(n) option remember; if n<2 then n else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) end if; end proc:
f:=proc(x) x; end proc:
| (1) |
| (2) |
function depth calls time time% bytes bytes%
fib 5 9 0.000 0.00 6168 97.72
total: 6 10 0.000 0.00 6312 100.00
| |
function depth calls time time% bytes bytes%
f 1 1 0.000 0.00 144 2.28
fib 5 9 0.000 0.00 6168 97.72
total: 6 10 0.000 0.00 6312 100.00
| |
function depth calls time time% bytes bytes%
fib 5 9 0.000 0.00 6168 97.72
f 1 1 0.000 0.00 144 2.28
total: 6 10 0.000 0.00 6312 100.00
| |