An ODE problem with initial conditions
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
A second order ODE problem with boundary conditions
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
A series solution for a nonlinear ODE with initial conditions
| (8) |
| (9) |
| (10) |
When testing series solutions and the initial conditions are not present in the input to odetest, an indication of the expansion point is required
| (11) |

| (12) |
| (13) |
An ODE with an arbitrary function
of (x, y, dy/dx) and a solution involving nested integrals with a RootOf in the integrand
| (14) |
| (15) |
| (16) |
Testing ODE solutions given in implicit form, that is, not solved for the unknown (here y(x))
| (17) |
| (18) |
| (19) |
When the ODE has derivatives of other indeterminate functions and the solution is implicit, the specification of the indeterminate function of the problem is required by both dsolve and odetest
| (20) |
| (21) |
| (22) |
Testing reductions of order returned by dsolve using ODESolStructures
| (23) |
![sol := y(x) = `&where`(_b(_a), [{(diff(_b(_a), _a))/_a-(_b(_a)^3+f(_a)-_C1*_a)/_a = 0}, {_a = x, _b(_a) = y(x)}, {x = _a, y(x) = _b(_a)}])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6699/file00424/math346.png)
| (24) |
| (25) |
A linear system of ODEs. The solution is a set containing x(t) and y(t) as functions of t.
| (26) |
| (27) |
| (28) |
A nonlinear system of ODEs. The solution is a list of sets, the first one containing the possible answers for x(t), and the second one expressing y(t) as a function of x(t):
| (29) |
| (30) |
These answers can be tests by passing them to odetest as a list.
| (31) |
Alternatively, you can call dsolve with the 'explicit' extra argument to directly obtain (many) composed solution sets. To test all these answers, use the map function to apply odetest to each solution set:
| (32) |
| (33) |
One possible workaround for an example where odetest fails in verifying dsolve's solution
| (34) |
![sol := y(t) = t^(-(1/2)*b-1)*(-(1/2)*2^(-(1/2)*b+1)*t^((1/2)*b+1)*hypergeom([(1/2)*b, (1/2)*b+1], [2+(1/2)*b], -(1/2)*t)/((1/2)*b+1)+_C1)*(2+t)^((1/2)*b-1)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6699/file00424/math456.png)
| (35) |
![(1/2)*(-2^(3-(1/2)*b)*(2+t)^((1/2)*b)*hypergeom([(1/2)*b, (1/2)*b+1], [2+(1/2)*b], -(1/2)*t)-2^(-(1/2)*b+1)*(2+t)^((1/2)*b)*hypergeom([(1/2)*b, (1/2)*b+1], [2+(1/2)*b], -(1/2)*t)*b+t*2^(-(1/2)*b)*(2+t)^((1/2)*b)*b*hypergeom([(1/2)*b+1, 2+(1/2)*b], [3+(1/2)*b], -(1/2)*t)+8+2*b)/((2+t)*t*(4+b))](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6699/file00424/math463.png)
| (36) |
| (37) |
| (38) |
By evaluating the integrals appearing in sol2, the output returned by dsolve without using the 'useInt' option can be constructed from the one obtained using the 'useInt' option, which was already verified to be correct.
An example hard to test due to the presence of radicals and Kummer functions in the solution
| (39) |
![sol := y(x) = _C1*exp(-(-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*x/(B*e*E^(3/2)))*x*hypergeom([(1/2)*(2*(-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*E^(3/2)+a[1])/((-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*E^(3/2))], [2], 2*(-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*x/(B*e*E^(3/2)))+_C2*exp(-(-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*x/(B*e*E^(3/2)))*x*KummerU((1/2)*(2*(-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*E^(3/2)+a[1])/((-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*E^(3/2)), 2, 2*(-a[1]*F+a[0]*E)^(1/2)*x/(B*e*E^(3/2)))](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6699/file00424/math507.png)
| (40) |
| (41) |
| (42) |
Yet another alternative is to convert the special functions entering sol to other functions easier to test; in this example convert from Kummer to Whittaker functions:

| (43) |
| (44) |