Warning Messages
Maple produces various informative warning messages when executing a command. Some of the instances where warning message are displayed are discussed below. For examples of warning messages, see the Examples section.
Modules and procedures can have implicitly declared local variables. A warning message is displayed when a variable is implicitly declared, indicating the location of the implicit declaration. See Implicit Local Variables for more information.
Maple commands can return qualitative information about a given expression. For example, the Roots command returns the roots of a given expression. If there is an infinite number of roots, a warning message is displayed and a few sample points are returned.
Warning Messages in Help Pages
Most help pages in the Maple help system do not display warning messages. For illustrative purposes, however, warning messages are displayed in a few help pages.
Warnings regarding variables in procedures and modules.
M := module() local a; export b;
a := proc() c := 2 end proc;
b := proc() d := 2 end proc;
e := proc() f := 2 end proc
end module;
Warning, `e` is implicitly declared local to module `M`
Warning, `c` is implicitly declared local to procedure M:-a
Warning, `d` is implicitly declared local to procedure M:-b
Warning, `f` is implicitly declared local to procedure M:-e
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| (1) |
Warning, the expression has (possibly infinitely) many roots, some examples of which are given
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| (2) |