unwith - remove package exports from the global namespace
Calling Sequence
unwith( pname )
name; the name of a package
The unwith command undoes the effects of with. That is, it removes global bindings of package exports, which have been imposed by using the with command, for packages that are implemented as modules.
The unwith command works only for packages that are implemented as modules. Moreover, it is effective only in a session in which only module-based packages have been imposed on the global namespace using with. If with is called with a table- or procedure-based package as first argument at any time during a Maple session, then the unwith command is disabled. Subsequent attempts to call unwith result in an exception being raised.
It is an error to call unwith on a package whose exports have not been previously imposed by with.
The following packages are incompatible with the use of unwith because they are implemented as tables or procedures.
Note: To see a list of the packages for which the exports are bound to the top level, use the packages command. The packages are listed in binding order, with the most recently bound package at the end of the list.
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